Best Inexpensive Video Equipment on Amazon

Getting into video marketing can be intimidating. You want to get the right equipment that will enable you to produce great video, but you don’t want to spend your annual marketing budget on new tech. We get it. That’s why we’ve created this rundown of the best-quality, most budget-friendly video equipment Amazon has to offer.

Why You Should Invest in Video Marketing

In case you missed it, last month, we published this article about 2019 video marketing statistics. While you should definitely check it out, the cheat sheet version is that billions of people consume video on social media with literally 100 million hours being watched per day on Facebook alone. Put simply your audience is watching video. If you aren’t investing in video marketing, then you’re not reaching your audience. If that’s not convincing enough, read on for how video marketing improves your entire business.

Instagram Stories: Tips & Tricks

Instagram Stories is an Instagram features that allows you to create relevant, accessible content. Like other apps with stories features, Instagram Stories disappear after 24 hours (though, you can give yours lasting power using the Highlights feature). While vanishing content might seem like a waste of time, Instagram Stories has over 500 million users, so making this kind of content part of your storytelling strategy is a must. Learn how to make the most of the feature here.

Storyteller Marketing Template

As you know, storyteller marketing is vital for creating lasting, meaningful, emotional relationships with audiences. You can use stories in your video marketing strategy, your newsletter, on your website, etc. Stories happen everywhere, but how do you craft a great story? Use our storyteller marketing template to get started and let your creativity guide you from there.

2019 Video Marketing Statistics

You’ve heard that video marketing is a game changer for any brand, but that doesn’t really put into context just how much video audiences are watching or how many conversions transpire because of video marketing. To put it into perspective, we’ve gathered, organized, and put into context the most vital video marketing statistics for 2019. Roll film.

How Does Blogging Work?

On the forefront, blogging seems easy. You write an article that is several hundred to a few thousand words in length, edit it, and publish it online. Ta-da! A blog. But that doesn’t mean your blog will work. Having a blog “work”, meaning, having a blog that draws audiences to your website, a blog that gets shared, a blog that leads to new audiences and to conversations, takes more effort. Here, we outline the key fundamentals of the science of blogging.

10 Best Articles about Storyteller Marketing

Whether you’ve embraced storyteller marketing from the word go or you’re still trying to wrap your head around the plot points, this rundown of the best articles about storyteller marketing is for you. In these articles, you’ll find the how, the what, the why, the when, and the in what medium (along with some primo examples) of storyteller marketing for every brand.

When is the Best Time to Post on Social Media: 2019?

You’ve heard that quality content is essential for connecting with your audience. Almost equally important is timing. When you post your content makes a huge difference in whether or not your audience will even see it. Because people’s social traffic patterns change, what you did in 2017 or 2018 may not be as effective now that it’s 2019. Here we break down the best times, generally speaking, for brands to post on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

30A Marketing—How to Market to This Specific Audience

Socrates’ adage is to know thyself; we say marketers, know they audience (and sure, know thyself, too). In this case, we are speaking to a specific audience—to those who want to reach the 30A market. 30A is a scenic highway in Santa Rosa Beach in Walton County. It’s comprised of just under 14,000 year-round residents with the majority (32%) being age 35 to 54, and if you want to reach to reach them, you need to know a few things about them.

Storyteller Marketing—5 Things to Know

Storyteller marketing is an approach to reaching your audience that relies on stories to form genuine connections. No gimmicks. No tricks. Just honest communication. The thing is, many people believe they “hate writing” or “can’t write a good story”, and that just isn’t true. But there are some truths relative to storyteller marketing, and if you’re willing, we’d like to share five things you need to know about storyteller marketing to make it work for you.

Why Businesses Need to Blog

If you’re a business that wants to have staying power, you need a blog. Blogs allow you to have an ongoing dialogue with your audience while keeping your website and social media platforms active. For a blog to work, though, you need to be consistent and to stick to it. When you do blog and blog consistently, the payoff is tremendous.

How to Plan an Editorial Calendar

One of the most essential components to successful content marketing is a plan. Planning is often overlooked, resulting in marketers and editorial team pulling content together weeks, days, or hours before it goes live. This method is madness because it doesn’t allow for strategy, which enables marketers to pack the biggest punch with audiences. In a world where content proliferation and distractions are everywhere, marketers can’t afford to nothave a strategy.

What Does a Marketing Consultant Do?

No matter where you are in your business, hiring a marketing consultant to conduct analytics, to evaluate your current strategy, to help you set new goals, to devise new plans, to help you better reach existing audiences, and to reach new audiences (among other things) will have immeasurable benefits.

Hiring a Storyteller for Your Conference–Why Hiring a Professional Speaker is Inspirational, Educational, and Motivational

Conferences are great opportunities for professionals in a field to get together, talk shop, and network. They’re also a great opportunity to inspire professionals with new ideas and to hype them up about their professions and their future. To have a conference that is guaranteed to achieve this level of success, you need to hire a storyteller. Storytellers motivate, inspire, and educate your audience and are essential to making your conference one that attendees want to attend year after year.

Storyteller Marketing–What Is It and Why Do You Need It?

Storyteller marketing is an essential marketing strategy in which you use stories to capture your audience’s attention, to engage their senses on multiple levels, and to become memorable to your audience. Marketers who aren’t using stories aren’t forging deep, meaningful, emotional connections with their audiences, and in the vast sea of options, of content, and of distractions, they’re losing their audiences, possibly forever.

How to Get to Know Your Audience to Tell Better Stories

How well do you know your audience? A common mistake is assuming you are your audience when in fact, you’re not. Even if you are a person who’d buy what you’re selling, you have to remember that your motives and your audiences differ and that you need to look outside of yourself and get to know your ideal, target audience to not only tell better stories but also to make conversions.

Working from Home with Baby: How to Plan Your Day

Anyone who watched 30 Rock will remember Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) constantly trying to “have it all.” When you work from home with your baby, that’s essentially what you’re doing—trying to have it all. If working from home while raising your children is a goal, that’s great! Go for it. Here, The Storyteller Agency’s managing editor weighs on what it’s like to work from home with pint-size bosses running the show and real-talks on how she plans the day so actual work gets done.

How to Sit Down and Write the Damn Blog Already

In theory, blogging is easy. You just write content that reflects your brand that satisfies your audience’s needs as said needs pertain to your brand. Easy-peasy-bloggy-squeezy. The problem comes when—because it’s “easy”—you don’t write or you don’t write on a schedule and then your posts are all over the place in terms of tone, timing, and focus…if, that is, you get around to writing them at all.