

The Case for #NoMeetingMondays: No Monday Alarm Clock

The Case for #NoMeetingMondays: No Monday Alarm Clock

No Meeting Monday - BECKS.png

Another good argument for #NoMeetingMondays is that you can start your Monday at whatever time you choose. That sounded nice, didn't it? That was the Pinterest caption from the cutesy, I've-got-it-all-together-all-the-time mom who somehow makes sweatpants look tailored and has mastered whatever makeup trick it is that makes you look really awake/in shock all the time. Here’s the real caption:

Here's the real caption: Our roommates are relentless, savage little tyrants, bursting out irrationally with the string of unending demands that can only come from two little boys, ages one and two-and-a-half. For us, it's usually around 6 or 6:30AM when they start demanding cereal and juice, furious if the process from sleep to sippy-cup-lid snapping takes longer than twenty seconds, always one unexplainable step away from a Sybil-inspired meltdown that goes as quickly as it comes. And most mornings this comes after a complete sleeping arrangement rearrangement around midnight following a bad dream, urgent need for a drink of water, or just rolling over to come face to face with a ninja toddler who somehow snuck into the bed unnoticed. Or worse, you wake suddenly, that horrible feeling that there's someone staring at you, and sure enough...there's that toddler, standing in silhouette only inches from your face, like that horrible child-man-thing from Village of the Damned, willing you to wake by staring through your eyelids and into your soul. And then the baby is awake because, well, why not, everyone else is awake. Let's all crowd into this bed and throw elbows and knees into each other's backs all night, uncomfortable but still comforted knowing that all of our most favorite people are right there tangled up in this too-small bed, including the dog. Sleepless-ish nights are kind of our thing right now. As my grandmother says, it's a season. But it's an exhausting season.

And after all this, it's Monday morning, and said offenders now sleep peacefully in the middle of the bed in PJ Masks pajamas, and miracle of miracles...everyone stays in bed until almost 9, and that's okay because of #NoMeetingMondays. We might start the week a little bit later, but it lets us start the week right.

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