10 Best Articles about Storyteller Marketing
Whether you’ve embraced storyteller marketing from the word go or you’re still trying to wrap your head around the plot points, this rundown of the best articles about storyteller marketing is for you. In these articles, you’ll find the how, the what, the why, the when, and the in what medium (along with some primo examples) of storyteller marketing for every brand.
Why Organizational Storytelling Needs to be an Integral Part of Your Brand Vision
Enhance your storyteller marketing strategy by empowering everyone to be a storyteller. Make storytelling a normal part of your business culture. Photo credit: John Schnobrich
This article by Carrie Dagenhard for Skyward’s Content Standard goes over the well-known reasons storyteller marketing should be a given for all brands in 2019. For example, storyteller marketing is memorable, storyteller marketing is relatable, etc. To integrate it, Carrie makes novel recommendations on how a top-down approach from company leaders can help make storytelling (and thus, storyteller marketing) a part of the culture, which means everyone can be a storyteller for the brand.
Storyteller Marketing—5 Things to Know
One of our recent publications on storyteller marketing explains storyteller marketing in greater depth than why it works. We show how you can use storyteller marketing to better-showcase your data, how and why visual storyteller marketing is effective, and how storyteller marketing can reveal solutions to your audience among other things.
Storytelling in Marketing: The Importance of Brand Narrative
To be an effective storyteller marketer, you need to understand how storyteller marketing has evolved over the past several years (not that storytelling hasn’t been around forever). Chief Marketer in partnership with the University of West Alabama’s comprehensive piece goes into the background of storyteller marketing as well as why it’s important and how it can and should be used by any (and every) brand.
Storyteller Marketing—What It Is and Why You Need It
For the marketer who wants a firmer grasp on storyteller marketing, we bring you this rundown, which not only explains what storyteller marketing is (and why it’s effective) but also how to use it with a real storyteller marketing example that will help readers think about how they write the problem, the solution, and the outcome important for all storyteller marketing pieces.
Outlining the Art of B2B Storytelling
If you’re a B2B brand who thinks that storyteller marketing isn’t for you, then this MediaInsider commentary by Cory Treffiletti is for you. Just as in the previous post on storyteller marketing we explain that all good storyteller marketing features a problem, solution, and an outcome that addresses your audience’s wants and needs. Cory does the same here, but he frames it in the business of how business-to-business brands can make it work for them.
Video marketing and storyteller marketing go hand-in-hand. Try new trends like music video marketing. Photo credit: Jakob Owens
9 Storyteller Marketing Trends to Track in 2019
Keaton for Voices.com explores trends on how storyteller marketing is being used to reach audiences in 2019. Think beyond things like Facebook 360 video (though, that makes the list) and think more like branded music videos, paid placement in novels, online courses, nontraditional media, podcasts, and more. Basically, Keaton helps us think about how to take our storyteller marketing game beyond the blog (though, you should still have the blog).
Marketing Magic: 10 Tips for Improving Your Storytelling Craft
The Forbes Agency Council is one of the best authorities on marketing rhetoric in general. In this article, gives straightforward advice on how and why to be vulnerable in your storyteller marketing, to look for alternative voices and styles for telling a story (that it’s rarely the most obvious, first approach you choose), to not get bogged down in the story, to empower others to tell your story, and more.
3 Reasons Why Storytelling Should be a Priority for Marketers
Kimberly A. Whitler for Forbes hashes on how storyteller marketing is memorable and emotional, how it facilitates learning, and how it’s actually strategic engagement rule. She brings all of this to head with an in-depth look at a real brand who is knocking their storyteller marketing out of the park.
The Ultimate Guide to Storytelling
Hubspot is a great resource for marketers, and this article, which is a fairly comprehensive resource, doesn’t disappoint. The five-piece article by Allie Decker starts by explaining what storyteller marketing is and flows into why to tell stories, what makes a good one, the process, and concludes with storyteller marketing resources.
Back to Our Storytelling Roots: Content Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Anthony Bourdain’s Legacy
Carina Sorrentino’s Content Standard article penned after the tragic and untimely death of cheftepreneur and storyteller extraordinaire Anthony Bourdain deep-dives into five important storyteller marketing lessons that everyone should take home from looking beyond the obvious for the story to taking risks to being egoless and more.
Storyteller marketing is truly amazing. Unlike traditional marketing, storyteller marketing helps brands become real solutions for audiences. Storyteller marketing forms lasting, meaningful relationships between brands, audiences, and communities, allowing for mutual growth and support. If you want to start using storyteller marketing in your content strategy, click here to contact us, The Storyteller Agency, and let’s start storytelling.