Great quotes about storytelling and quotes by great storytellers inspire us to dig deep and to tell our best stories.
Great quotes about storytelling and quotes by great storytellers inspire us to dig deep and to tell our best stories.
When you are working with clients, you job is to promote their brand in their way. Sometimes that can feel difficult when it comes to voice because writing is such a personal experience. How does a writer balance their vision with that of another person or company without feeling like they are losing a piece of themselves in the exchange?
Your story is as much of your identity as your profile picture, your business storefront, your webpage, etc. Anything and everything that happens to and in your story is a reflection of you and your brand, which is why learning how to build, protect, and heal your personal brand online is a must-do. At some point, you will likely do all of these things as you strive to achieve success and to maintain a connection with your audience.
The stories we read make us who we are, and the stories we tell impact those who hear and read them. As children, we are read stories that shape us, that define our integrity and our social and moral fiber. Sometimes, it’s nice to reflect on the stories that made us who we are today, which is why we have a list of the best life lessons told in children’s stories.
Balance? Balance is for the birds, literally. Just kidding. A little snark always lightens the mood when we are dealing with such a frustrating, elusive topic. When there is a baby or children in the WFH mix, the family and work dynamic you have spent so much effort carefully cultivating can become a convoluted, tangled mess. Either the workflow or the enjoyment and comfort family time bring us will be compromised if we don’t have an arsenal of ways to cope at arms’ reach
Instagram is known as a very visual social media platform, but what you write in the caption can be just as important. Have you ever opened the app, selected your perfectly edited image and thought, “now what?” It takes creativity and strategy to craft a caption that is captivating, engaging and will resonate with your ideal audience. These helpful tips about how to write an Instagram caption will make you a social media storytelling star in no time!
Imagine a first date where you aren’t allowed to tell any stories about your past, present, or future hopes. Yikes. You’d likely spend the whole time talking about something mundane…like how edible the bread is. While you might learn a little about your tastes, that information doesn’t give you enough of a connection to want to book a second date, does it?
Stories told right before bedtime snuggle up next to us with our pillows and our teddy bears and embed themselves into our subconscious minds. They’re as beloved as childhood pets and are retold throughout generations. There’s a reason some bedtime stories never get old and the key is simplicity.
This year, as we approach our seventh year, the Storyteller Agency relaunches, as something new, a collection of work-from-home writers offering writing services as well as a lifestyle blog and hopeful community of like-minded and like-living individuals. We are writers and editors, but we are also members of our families and lovers of living on our own time and schedules as much as we can. Those visiting our website will find a common thread and a familiar voice, one that's authentic and meaningful. One that offers wisdom and humor, and one that tells a good story.
Getting started with my podcast and freelance work was scary. Not only was I putting myself out there, but I felt like I didn’t fall under the umbrella of a writer.
This day and age it is important to stay inspired; and we want to give you some podcast that can do just that. These are some storyteller favorite podcasts for writing in 2020.
In the last few months, I have had friends, family, and colleagues comment that they were glad to see I was actually human and not a robot, that they wondered how long I would be able to sustain the pace I was moving at previously. I redefined success and I realized what I needed and what I didn’t need. Most importantly, I started taking care of myself and my family.
Not sure how to work from home and still have a productive workday? These 5 tips will ensure that you finish your to-do list and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
It’s four o’clock in the morning, and I know this is my window, but I’m so tired, so I close my eyes and go back to sleep. By the time I wake up a few hours later, my preschooler is kneeing me in the kidneys, wanting to watch Paw Patrol, and I know my window has closed.
These days we are being forced to take time and slow down; which can be a very difficult thing to master. Here is how the art of bread making was able to help aid one stay-at-home mom in the honing of those skills and even leads to the bringing together of people. These are unprecedented times but with a little patience (and maybe some yeast) we can all rise to the occasion.
Mother’s Day is the one day of the year that we celebrate the person who makes it easier and better for us all year long. Find our what to write on a Mother’s Day card that will make Mom feel special and remind her just how much she’s needed and loved every day of the year.
Every business has a story to tell, but it’s not always easy to define your values and clearly share what makes your business unique. That’s where a storytelling strategy comes in! As Forbes explains, business storytelling is “the cohesive narrative that weaves together the facts and emotions that your brand evokes.” In today’s digitally driven environment, businesses need a personal connection to stand out, which is why storytelling can be so powerful. These tips will help your company create a personal connection with your audience and ultimately drive revenue.
Year after year, video is the most effective way to connect with consumers online. The numbers don’t lie. As these stats show, video develops a deeper connection with your audience, attracts new customers, increases brand awareness and drives sales. If you want to implement business video marketing for your company, these 10 tips will help you create and share successful content.
Storytelling has been around for thousands of years. Humans tell stories as a means of entertainment, communication and passing down information from generation to generation. It’s in our nature to tell stories, but the way we tell them has changed due to advances in technology. As Jonathan Gottschall said, “The way we experience story will evolve, but as storytelling animals, we will no more give it up than start walking on all fours.” From rocks to computers, here is a brief history of storytelling and storyteller marketing.
It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner and 2019 is coming to a close. We have a lot to be thankful for here at The Storyteller Agency. This year brought a new baby, a new home base in Cookeville, Tennessee, new clients and continued support from our family, friends and community.