

  How to Write Your Airbnb Listing

How to Write Your Airbnb Listing

Writing an Airbnb listing probably seems like a simple-enough task, but you aren’t the only person putting their rental on the market. What sets your listing apart, and why should someone pick your rental over another? Learn how to write a stellar Airbnb listing in a few easy steps!

 Start with the Basics

When it comes to renting, people want to know what you have to offer, and most of your potential guests will already have certain criteria in mind. A great starting point is taking an assessment of your property by making a list of what you have to offer. The list should include everything from AC to bed sizes, from kitchenware to parking. People want to be in the know, especially if they are traveling with kids, plan to WFH on vacation, or wish to stay at your place for an extended period of time. The more information your guests have, the more likely they are to select your spot.

 When creating your list, think about what you have that most people are looking for and all the extras that make your place stand out. With this list in mind, it’s time to write your story.

 What’s Your Airbnb Story?

While some folks are merely looking to see if you’re in the ideal location or have a grill they can use, it’s important to remember that the narrative matters. What’s going to set your lakeside cabin apart from your neighbor across the shore? What sets your condo in the heart of your city apart from the rental down the street?

 Take your list and think about it like a puzzle. Which pieces connect to make the outer border? This can be your literal and figurative frame. (See what I did there?) Is your rental a great spot for a lover’s retreat? Do you have a big house near the beach that would be ideal for families and friend groups? Are you an eco-friendly home in the woods that cares about the environment and carbon footprints? Look at your list, check it twice, and decide the right frame for your rental. This narrative can make all the difference.

 From here, I always suggest writing from the heart. People love when things feel genuine, especially when it comes to sharing someone’s home. You don’t have to be the next Hemingway or Billy Shakes to wow the crowd. Just tell your guests what they can expect and who would be a great fit for your place. With that information, plus the lists you can input directly into the checklist system on the website, you’re on your way to creating a true reflection of your property.

 A Few Things to Consider

When it comes to writing an Airbnb listing, there are a few things to consider. Check out this list and make some edits to properly finalize your listing.

1.       Don’t oversell your space: Don’t try and make your rental seem bigger or more modern than it is because it sounds good. Bottom line: don’t offer features you simply don’t have. Stretching the truth is a sure-fire way to get negative reviews and lose repeat guests.

2.       Take ample, filter-free pictures: People want to know exactly what they’re getting. The more pictures you take, the less questions people will have. Show them exactly what they are getting in connection to the narrative you are writing. When guests have their expectations met, they leave positive reviews and will recommend your place to others.

3.       Don’t write a novel: Yes, I told you to tell us your story, but no one wants to read a 5000-word essay about the depth of color in the nightly sunset. Focus on the details that matter and keep your listing under 1000 words. DO include things like driving directions, area/house rules, and special accommodations. DON’T tell us about how your grandmother and her grandmother and her grandmother use to whittle soap sculptures for the kids at the schoolhouse. Share some history, but oversharing can lead to lost guests if they can’t find the info they need.

4.       Format your listing: Most people are scanners, and I know this because I’ve worked in public education for 10 years. Break up big chunks of text, use bullet point lists, and add bolded headers so people can easily find the information they need. Their experience starts on your page. The more convenient they find your listing, the more likely they are to book!

 Writing an Airbnb listing isn’t super serious. These aren’t your wedding vows, but you want to make sure you have created a solid narrative and offered your potential guests all the information they need to make an informed choice. Make that list, check it twice, and get to work on your frame!


Every property has a great story, and this story is key to selling and renting. If you are struggling to get views on your page or consistent clients, reach out to The Storyteller Agency. We provide quality written content for your internet outreach and look forward to helping you answer the question, “What’s your story?” 


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