

Why Blogging Will Still Be Important in 2021

Why Blogging Will Still Be Important in 2021

In a world where social media seems to be the most popular marketing medium for businesses you might be wondering, “is blogging important?” The answer is YES! One thousand times yes. Blogging helps you attract new customers, rank higher on Google, build trust with consumers or clients, and establish yourself as a leader in your industry. We’ve already explained how blogging works, so let’s jump into the top reasons why businesses should blog in 2021.

Blogging Improves Search Engine Optimization

One of the most important reasons why businesses should blog is to rank higher on Google and other search engines. You want to attract new customers and get your website discovered, right? Well, blogging is a free, organic way to do exactly that. There are several ways in which blogging can help with your website’s SEO. First of all, it keeps your website active. Google does not want to send searchers to outdated sites, so consistently posting fresh content to your blog keeps your website current and thus makes the algorithm happy.

Blogging also allows you to improve your Google ranking with the use of keywords. Strategically using words and phrases that your target audience is searching for will help your website be more discoverable. For example, if you’re a vacation rental management company in Florida you’ll want your business to show up as soon as possible when someone searches “where to stay in Destin.” Blog posts are the perfect place to include these valuable keywords. Check out this article to learn more about how to do keyword research for SEO.

Blogging Allows You to Tell Your Story

Every business has a story to tell and your blog is the best place to share it! In addition to the technical reasons why businesses should blog, another benefit of blogging is that it gives you the opportunity to show some personality. Your website is most likely full of facts and information about your product or service, but your blog allows you to elaborate on those topics and show people why your business is different from your competitors. Use this space to create a personal connection with your audience and show them how you can positively impact their lives in a way that feels authentic. If you aren’t sure how to get started, check out these 10 tips for finding your business story.

Blogging Builds Trust

Building trust takes time. A quick look at your website isn’t enough for a potential customer to be convinced that your product or service is the solution to their problem. Through blogging, you are able to use storytelling to create a personal connection and show them why your business is the best choice. Consistently producing helpful, relatable content also allows you to keep their trust once you’ve earned it. Here are some additional tips about how to build trust with your blog. This is one of the key reasons as to why businesses should blog.

Blogging Provides Content for Social Media and Email Marketing

Is blogging important or should you put all of your marketing effort into social media and email marketing? By now you know where we stand on this, but thankfully blogging and social media go hand in hand. In addition to SEO, sharing your blog post on social media and in your email newsletter are great ways to get more eyeballs on your post and website. If your content is valuable, your followers might share it as well, which will get your business in front of even more potential customers.

Establish Yourself as a Leader in Your Industry and a Go-To Source

If you want to stand out in your industry, the best way to do so is by providing helpful content. Blogging allows you to share valuable information with your audience and establish yourself as their go-to source. Showing that you are knowledgeable on the topic and genuinely want to help your customers leads to a trusting relationship. When you share tips and advice on a topic that your potential customer is interested in, they will come back time and time again. When they are ready to make a purchase, your business will be top of mind and they will feel comfortable buying from you.

So, is blogging important for your 2021 marketing strategy? Clearly the answer is yes, but what if you don’t have time to plan out keywords, research the topic and write 1,000+ words? That’s where we come in! Our team of writers here at The Storyteller Agency can create quality content for your business on a consistent basis. If you need help telling your story, contact us today!



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